I am really really irresponsible!!
Got this from my dear #slapped irish.a a.k.a Haruki Karayuki D a longgg longg ago and I just post it right now today. Don't blame me! Blame my assignments and my addict to Role Playing! #slapped
Shocked and of course happy to get this, but I'm not... that... kind of blogger, you know? LOL
Okay... so here we goes!
1. Thank and link the person who awarded me this award
Big thanks and best wishes to irish.a
2. Share eight things about myself
- I am a very unstable netomaniac-student. Seriously.
- I love to listen The Script so bad, especially Talk You Down *lovelove*
"Just a cigarette gone no you couldn't be that far, I'm driving my car to where I hope you are.Maybe I can talk you down? maybe I can talk you down...Oh, we standing on a tiny ledge before it goes over the edgegonna use my heart and not my headAnd tryna open up your eyes... this is relationship suicide...Cause if you go, I go...Cause if you go, I go..."
- I am not new to a silent one-sided 'love'
Yeah true. I do adore. And usually adoring without no one know, and end up with knowing that the person is already taken :)
- Really hoping that someday I can watch Owl City and The Script live
But if they may come, like The Script that already confirmed if they have schedule to Indonesia. I'm not sure I can afford it. To go to Jakarta, buy the must-be-da*n-expensive-tickets, and sort of. :'(
- Stalker
I like to see people pages, trying to knowing better some interesting facts and things. But it's truely a silent stalking. Seriously.
- I am currently love to have any Owl-related stuff
Now I only have a little owl plushie from Taman Safari 1 LOL. I named it Owly. It always make me remembering Adam Young *lovee
- RolePlaying ADDICTED
I am new to have characters and in roleplaying (text based) but I really love to try this things out now. I stucked at IndoOlympians in a really brutal frequency just to see the new repp xp
And my first original character are Chelsea Morning-Young, visualized with Mia Wasikowska in her short hair :DD
- I do keep some stressful emotions, anyway
...and it just about friends-related, and some other things. Forget it.
3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that I have already discovered.
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about the award.
Yup! ;D
Thanks again :D
ouch, thank you so much (´♥`)
you're welcome :DD
best wishes <3
thanks a lottt :D
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