Sunday, January 31, 2010

Vanilla Twilight

I just like this song. Owl City has a great talent to make a great sound, great atmosphere in this song. Although the lyrics are not really fits on me, but the music is fits me.. Actually I don't really know what're this song means.. but I think it's about a man who miss his beloved so much. The lyrics are sweet, and also beautiful to hear, although it's kind of simple lyrics I think.. I type the lyrics below, and the bold lyrics-part are the lyrics that really fits my feelings. haha. the picture below are taken from here through Google.

the stars lean down to kiss you
and I lie awake and miss you
pour me a heavy doze of atmosphere
Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
but I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you, dear
cause I wish you were here

I watch the night turn light blue
but it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly
The silence isn't so bad
till I look at my hands and feel sad
Cause the spaces between my fingers
are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways
but I haven't slept in two days
Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone
but drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
waist deep in thought because
when I think of you
I don't feel so alone..
I don't feel so alone..

as many times as I blink I'll think of you
I'll think of you tonight..

When violet eyes get brighter
and heavy wings grow lighter
I'll tastes the sky and feel alive again
And I'll forget the world that I knew
but I swear I won't forget you

Oh if my voice could reach back through the past
I whisper in your ears
"Oh darling I wish you were here.."

but I don't say that I miss my darling like this song says.. but I miss .. someone that once fills my heart. But now that person are 'gone' already, whereas I already feel so close to that person, like a best friend.

Okay, that's it for now. And I think you should hear this song fast, because this song are very touchy and great. Tomorrow, till .. Tuesday next week I'll have a test. Wish me luck, okay? because I wish you well..


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Tentang Live In, Tentang Yang Lainnya!

Hallo semua, Assalamu'alaikum hehe. Jangan kaget ngeliat postingan ini pake bahasa Indo, soalnya kemarin aku dikomen sama mbak Sari, dia bilang jadi puyeng gara2 aku pake inggris ngeposnya. haha okelah untuk selingan aja dan juga biar mbak Sari nggak puyeng post kali ini pake bahasa persatuan saja, Indonesia. Selain itu rasanya postingan kali ini lebih enak aku tulis pake bahasa Indo deh, bahasa Indonesia itu menurut aku jauh lebih ekspresif.. Kapan gitu mungkin di post lain aku juga bakal nyoba nulis pake Inggris, seling seling gitu. So here we goes..

Hmm, pertama mungkin aku mau nyeritain ikhtisar (cieh) dari apa yang udah aku alamin pas kemarin Live In di Desa Plososari. Dan Alhamdulillah, menurutku semuanya berjalan lancar.. Aku dapat orangtua asuh yang baik, tempat tinggalnya cukup nyaman, makanannya juga enak, selain itu aku juga nggak disuruh buat ngelakuin kerja berat. Aku dan temen serumahku kemarin 'hanya' nemenin ibu asuhku nimbang jagung dan jengkol untuk dijual, ikutan pergi ke pasar, dan pergi ke sawah tempat ortu asuhku nanam jambu. Ke sawahpun kita malah hampir kayak jalan-jalan di sana. Cuma sedikit membantu nyabutin daun dan jambu yang kurang bagus, terus duduk2 sambil makan bekal terus pulang hehe. Pokoknya seru dan nggak terlupakan, desa itu jauuh lebih tentrem daripada di kota, udaranya, pemandangannya, orang-orangnya, duh, kapan2 mau ke Plososari lagi deh. hehe

Terlepas dari semua kenangan ketika Live In, di Semarang pun kujalani kembali rutinitas biasaku. Sekolah, les, ngenet, dengerin musik, baca buku, yah begitulah. Hari hari yang biasa, kembali menjadi Risa yang biasa, kembali menghadapi masalah yang biasaa..

Entah kenapa sekarang cukup banyak hal yang agak membebani otak dan hatiku. lebaiii. macem2 lah penyebabnya..

Seperti rasa kangenku sama sobat SD yang satu SMA tapi aku harus menghadapi kenyataan bahwa gimanapun kita ngga mungkin bisa bareng2 seperti SD dulu, di mana dulu cuma ada kita bertiga (ada 2 besties di SMA yang bertemu lagi hehe), sekarang kita semua udah ketambahan temen2 baru. Aih betapa kadang aku kepingin bisa jalan bareng and ngobrol2 seru lagi kayak dulu, tapi ternyata mereka udah ada kegiatan lain, atau sedang kumpul sama temen2 mereka yang sekarang. Iya aku tahu aku juga gitu, tapi yah, aku merasa sangat merindukan masa-masa itu dan alangkah indahnya kalau masa-masa itu bisa kembali. Tapi ngga mungkin, karena waktu itu selalu berjalan.. Gimanapun aku bahagia sekali mereka masih bisa ngobrol akrab lagi denganku.. Walau ngga bener2 persis seperti dulu, tapi ngga apa, kurasa aku bisa mengerti..

Selain itu, entah kenapa aku ngerasa agak sedih karena udah 'kehilangan' orang2 yang biasanya menyapa aku di Facebook. Okeh okeh ini emang konyol karena itu kan cuman Facebook, tapi rasanya cukup menyedihkan ketika ada orang2 yang udah terlanjur aku anggep sebagai temen2 dan sobat2 baru, eh tiba2 ga pernah nyapa lagi, ngomen2 lagi atau gimana. Haha namanya juga dunia mayaaaa... Biarlah.

Oh iya, aku juga sedang bimbang dan ngerasa bersalah.. Gini ceritanya, di FB aku diundang sama salah seorang temen buat join grup SIPILIS (Sindikat Penulis Muda Semarang), of course aku seneng banget bisa diajak, dan tentu saja aku nerima ajakannya buat gabung. Tapi namanya komunitas kan pasti selalu ngadain acara kumpul gitu kan? Nah masalahnya aku ga yakin apakah aku bakal bisa ikut kumpul bareng mereka, oke aku tahuuu aku bisa dapet temen baru yang huebat huebat, tapi kendala yang aku alamin adalah : masalah perijinan (ortu ngga begitu suka anaknya ini sering pergi2) dan transportasi (ga enak ngerepotin, ga ada temen yang bisa nganter), sama rasa malu karena jadi satu2nya orang asing di sana! Ga ada satupun anggotanya yang pernah benar2 aku temuin kecuali di Facebook.. Walaupun kebanyakan mereka juga gituu tapi mereka kebanyakan udah cukup akrab satu sama lain.. lha aku? Aku rasa kayaknya aku bakalan lebih aktif ikut komunitas begituan kalau aku udah bisa lebih mandiri.. atau sebenernya akunya aja yang manja dan penakut dan nggak pede dan terlalu pemalu?? Duh... I really need an advicee!!

Satu lagi, aku sedang sangat desperate menunggu reply dari Freddie Highmore di Twitter. . Oke itu hanya masalah sepele juga, tapi aku bener2 suka banget sama manusia satu itu, dan kalau Allah mengijinkan, aku ingin sekali dia bisa mbales twitku.. Udah banyak juga twit2 ku ke dia yang tak terbalaskan dan itu cukup bikin aku sediih.. tapi yah dia kan orang yang sanagt sibuk, dan seharusnya aku bisa mengerti dan ngga berharap banyak..
U know? Freddie juga suka dengerin lagunya Owl city yang judulnya Fireflies.. Itu lagu yang juga aku suka (dan jutaan orang lain akan bilang gitu juga)..

Really friends, I need some .. advice, some.. enlightment!
Thank you if you're so kind to read this weird posts, but trust me I write this not only with my fingers but also with my heart.. Ciao! Love your life!

Be thankful with what you have now.. okay! thanks to all visitors, too. U all make my day brighter!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Going to Live In!!

Hello, Assalamu'alaikum my beloved visitors (if this blog is visited) and my blogger friends! After quite a long time I think I have something to tell u..

As you know, from 4th January my school begins the learning days of 2nd Semester. So it was such a little boring days to start over after a long days of holiday
(if 2 weeks are long days hehe) . My minds and soul aren't really into school yet.. I still missing the holly holidays! Haha. But of course, slowly but sure I can finally focus with days-of-school activity :)

But apparently my school will held an event called 'Live In', it is a program when we, the 10th grades of SMAN 3 Semarang went to some villages in Patean, Kendal to experienced the village-activity in 4 days. There are quite a lot of vilage-destination, such as Selo Village, Mlatiharjo Village, Pakisan Village, and Plososari (it's the village where I will be live in) and maany more. Each village will be placed by two classes, for example X-11 will live in the same village with X-5 at Plososari Village.

There, in each village, we will be placed in one house with our raise-family, and follow their daily activity and help them do their task. One house is placed by two students of SMAN 3 and I paired with my X-6 friend Annisa MP . . Our raised-parents job is a farmer, so we will help them in the rice-field, or something like that. it will be great!

I think living in a vilage will be so fun! Because there we will find the fresh air and great views, and many new experience, but of course there's some things to be worried about, one of them is the bathroom. Yep, of course it will be different with our own bathroom in home! But I will face it as a new experience, I hope it will enrich me, so I will be MORE thankful than before to Allah because of all the grace I have until now :)

Then, my other big anxiety is my parents. Honestly my parents are still worrying me when I join this such event, when I must go to far places, sort of. I afraid they will risk themselves by visit me there. Of course they know I'm quite a big girl now, but still they're my parents at all. The regulations of Live In says that the students aren't allowed to be visited or picked with their family/relatives, I'm afraid my parents aren't 'understand' even I already told them that they don't need to visit me in the village. I feel a little worry if they visit me it will causing not-good-prejudice among the other Live In participants, because I'm already placed with my raised-family and of course they will take care of me (and my live In partner) while we're in the Village.. I hope they will understand, that I'm not such a crybaby-child anymore. I know maybe the conditions in my raised-family's house will be SO different with my home, but I can understand that. I will face whatever waits there (both the living situations and The Great Scenery! hehe), and I hope I can be a better human after I join the Live In.

Otherwise, I'm still thinking of what gift I should give to my raised-parents? My home-partner says that maybe she'll give a sarong, so maybe I can give a sajadah or what.. I will consider it again.

Oh my, I forget to tell u the dates! It will be held this week, starts on Saturday, 16th January until Tuesday, 19th January 2010.. so maybe it will took a long time to me to post again. *if this blog has visitor..*

Okay that's all I want to tell you!! Wish me the best, friends! Love your life!

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

My First Geguritan!

For your information... Geguritan is a Javanese modern poetry. Or simply a poem in Javanese.
Today in Java Class my teacher gives my class an assignment to write a geguritan. So this is what I make today, haha a bit weird, I know. And maybe it's not a beautiful geguritan. But you can read it only. Hahahaha, you know, copyrights! Then, enjoy! If u want translation, following next time upon your request hehe.

Apa Pancen Ndonya
dening : Khairisa Ramadhani Primawestri

Apa pancen ndonya uwis ora adil
uwis ora sanggup maringi kasempatan
Apa pancen ndonya uwis ngrusak
ngrusak sukma dadi ala

Apa pancen ndonya uwis ora bisa ngajari
pentinge ngregani sesama manungsa
Apa salahe ndonya
Nganthi manungsa saling mbunuh
njatuhake, ngancurake

Apa manungsa uwis ora ngerti maneh
Yen urip ing ndonya kuwi ora mung mikirake
awake dhewe
Ora mung mikirake kepriye nggolek materi
kepriye supaya terus dadi nomer siji
Ndadiake manungsa ora ndhuwe akal rasa

Samestine dudu ndonya
sing mesti disalahake
Samestine manungsa
ngerti sejatine urip kuwi


Saturday, January 02, 2010

Bonne Année !

It is the fireworks that I first see in 2010. And also the lights of Semarang at night, with all the other fireworks sets to welcoming the new year. I also can feel my bigger thanks and love to God for letting me stand there, in the highest point in Semarang, at the Skyline Gumaya Tower Hotel, with my beloved persons in the world, my family. I can hear the sound of un-melodic trumpets shouting, accompany the fireworks sparks in the sky. Then I embrace my whole family, saying "Happy New Year!" to all of them, then I kiss my father's cheek and kiss my beloved mother's hand. Well, it is a bit . . unusual, when I realize that hey! it's 2010!

The other people there still staring at the beautiful fireworks spark, it is a very beautiful scenery from up there. We can see all the lights in Semarang, all the fireworks sparks, all the stars above.. It's just like a dream.

I can't say a word when my eyes captures the beauty from up there. It is sooo really beautiful.. I know I missed Spider-Man 3 that runs in the TV, but still, I don't feel so lose out, we can see Spider-Man 3 in other time, but such a beautiful fireworks like this? It's not a thing we can see everyday.

Besides, it's my first time celebrating happy new year outside home, I guess. Enjoying dinner,enjoying the band, celebrating with other people I don't know, but, it's great at all. Thanks to my parents for that.

I wish I can be better in this new year. I wish I can make my beloveds, especially my parents be proud of me. . I wish a better me. Amin.